Transfer Eth
Transfer of Ether from one party to another¶
The sending of Ether between two parties requires a minimal number of details of the transaction object:
the destination wallet address
the amount of Ether you wish to send to the destination address
BigInteger value = Convert.toWei("1.0", Convert.Unit.ETHER).toBigInteger();
RawTransaction rawTransaction = RawTransaction.createEtherTransaction(
<nonce>, <gas price>, <gas limit>, <toAddress>, value);
// send...
However, it is recommended that you use the Transfer class for sending Ether, which takes care of the nonce management and polling for a response for you:
Web3j web3 = HttpService()); // defaults to http://localhost:8545/
Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials("password", "/path/to/walletfile");
TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt = Transfer.sendFunds(
web3, credentials, "0x<address>|<ensName>",
BigDecimal.valueOf(1.0), Convert.Unit.ETHER).send();
Use EIP1559 for sending Ether:
Web3j web3 = HttpService());
Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials("password", "/path/to/walletfile");
TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt = Transfer.sendFundsEIP1559(
web3, credentials,
"0x<address>|<ensName>", //toAddress
BigDecimal.ONE.valueOf(1), //value
Convert.Unit.ETHER, //unit
BigInteger.valueOf(8_000_000), gasLimit
DefaultGasProvider.GAS_LIMIT, //maxPriorityFeePerGas (max fee per gas transaction willing to give to miners)
BigInteger.valueOf(3_100_000_000L) //maxFeePerGas (max fee transaction willing to pay)
Access new attributes effectiveGasPrice and type through TransactionReceipt:-
Use Web3j to get block and access new fields:-
EthBlock.Block block = web3j.ethGetBlockByNumber(
DefaultBlockParameter.valueOf(“<block number>”),
true //returnFullTransactionObjects
Also other options to get block or get uncle like:-
EthBlock.Block block = web3j.ethGetBlockByHash(String blockHash, boolean returnFullTransactionObjects);
EthBlock.Block block = web3j.ethGetUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(String blockHash, BigInteger transactionIndex);
EthBlock.Block block = web3j.ethGetUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(DefaultBlockParameter defaultBlockParameter, BigInteger transactionIndex);
Also access Transactions new field through Web3j
EthTransaction ethTransaction = web3j.ethGetTransactionByHash(String transactionHash).send();
EthTransaction ethTransaction = web3j.ethGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex
(String blockHash, BigInteger transactionIndex).send();
EthTransaction ethTransaction = web3j.ethGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(
DefaultBlockParameter defaultBlockParameter, BigInteger transactionIndex).send();