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Meta Transactions

Meta transactions are a popular way to enable users to transact on a blockchain without directly paying the gas fees. Instead, they sign a message off-chain, which is then relayed by a relayer who pays the gas fees.


Interaction Diagram [1]

The actors of this scheme are:

  • User: signs a meta transaction (that is a message containing information about the transaction he would like to execute).
  • Relayer: a web server with a wallet that signs a valid Ethereum transaction (that has the meta transaction as the payload) and sends it to the blockchain.
  • Forwarder: an Ethereum contract in charge of verifying the signature of the meta transaction that, not surprisingly, forwards the request to a recipient contract.
  • Recipient: the Ethereum contract that the user intended to call without paying the gas fee, this contract has to be able to preserve the identity of the user that initially requested the transaction.

The Forwarder contract

The basic mechanism is given by the OpenZeppelin’s MinimalForwarder implementation, to be used together with an ERC2771 compatible contract as the Recipient contract

Recipient Contract

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/metatx/ERC2771Context.sol";

contract Recipient is ERC2771Context {

    event FlagCaptured(address previousHolder, address currentHolder, string color);

    address public currentHolder  = address(0);
    string public color = "white";

    constructor(address trustedForwarder) ERC2771Context(trustedForwarder) {}

    function setFlagOwner(string memory _color) external {
        address previousHolder = currentHolder;
        currentHolder = _msgSender();
        color = _color;
        emit FlagCaptured(previousHolder, currentHolder, color);

    function getFlagOwner() external view returns (address, string memory) {
        return (currentHolder, color);

EIP-712: Typed structured data JSON

In order to be able to sign the message JSON structured data has to be created and it should look like:

  "types": {
    "EIP712Domain": [
      {"name": "name", "type": "string"},
      {"name": "version", "type": "string"},
      {"name": "chainId", "type": "uint256"},
      {"name": "verifyingContract", "type": "address"}
    "ForwardRequest": [
      {"name": "from", "type": "address"},
      {"name": "to", "type": "address"},
      {"name": "value", "type": "uint256"},
      {"name": "gas", "type": "uint256"},
      {"name": "nonce", "type": "uint256"},
      {"name": "data", "type": "bytes"}
  "primaryType": "ForwardRequest",
  "domain": {
    "name": "MinimalForwarder",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "chainId": <network_chain_id>,
    "verifyingContract": "<forwarder_contract_address>"
  "message": {
    "from": "<user_address>",
    "to": "<recipient_contract_address>",
    "value": 0,
    "gas": 210000,
    "nonce": "",
    "data": ""

The above JSON data specifies the EIP712 domain separator and message types for a Meta transaction using the ForwardRequest struct, which has the following fields:

  • from (address): the address of the sender
  • to (address): the address of the recipient contract
  • value (uint256): the amount of Ether to send (0 in our case)
  • gas (uint256): the gas limit for the transaction
  • nonce (uint256): the nonce of the sender
  • data (bytes): the ABI-encoded function call to the recipient contract

Web3j implementation

Create a Web3j instance and connect to a node:

Web3j web3j = HttpService("<network_http_rpc_endpoint>"));

Load the MinimalForwarder and Recipient contract

MinimalForwarder minimalForwarder = MinimalForwarder.load("<minimalForwarder_contract_address>", web3j, credentials, new StaticGasProvider(BigInteger.valueOf(4_100_000_000L),BigInteger.valueOf(6721975L)));
Recipient recipient = Recipient.load("<recipient_contract_address>", web3j, credentials, new StaticGasProvider(BigInteger.valueOf(4_100_000_000L),BigInteger.valueOf(6721975L)));

Define the recipient function and encode it:

final Function recipientFunction = new Function(
        List.of(new org.web3j.abi.datatypes.Utf8String("blue")),
        Collections.emptyList()) {

String encodedFunction = FunctionEncoder.encode(recipientFunction);

Get the current nonce for the MinimalForwarder contract:

BigInteger nonce = minimalForwarder.getNonce(credentials.getAddress()).send();   

Create a ForwardRequest object

MinimalForwarder.ForwardRequest forwardRequest = new MinimalForwarder.ForwardRequest(

Now read the EIP712 typed structured data json, add the empty values and sign it using Sign.signTypedData()

String jsonMessageString = Files.readString(Paths.get("src/main/resources/data.json").toAbsolutePath());
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonMessageString);
jsonObject.getJSONObject("message").put("from", credentials.getAddress());
jsonObject.getJSONObject("message").put("nonce", nonce);
jsonObject.getJSONObject("message").put("data", encodedFunction);

String modifiedJsonString = jsonObject.toString();
Sign.SignatureData signature = Sign.signTypedData(modifiedJsonString, credentials.getEcKeyPair());

Get signature in Bytes

byte[] retval = new byte[65];
System.arraycopy(signature.getR(), 0, retval, 0, 32);
System.arraycopy(signature.getS(), 0, retval, 32, 32);
System.arraycopy(signature.getV(), 0, retval, 64, 1);

Now execute the meta transaction and check if output is correct

minimalForwarder.execute(forwardRequest, getSignatureBytes(retval, BigInteger.valueOf(210000)).send();
System.out.println(recipient.color().send());  // returns "blue" color
